It is possible these ships are still out there but it is unlikely they will come back as the Brothers they once knew. The Crimson Sentinels were hit hard during this event, causing most of Chapter's Astropaths to die and lose most of the Chapter's strength and fleet within the Warp. This tragic event would come to be known in Imperial annals as 'The Howling'. In 401.M33, following the defeat the alien cyborgs known as the Cacodeminus by the zealous Black Templars during the epic conclusion of the Catelexis Heresy, the death scream of this vile xenos menace echoed and ampliefied throughout the Immaterium, burning out the minds of billions of Astropaths and distorting the glowing beacon of the Astronomican. The first Chapter Master of the Crimson Sentinels, Tiberius Demokan, the Captain of the 105 th Company, sought to protect the the Astronomican and secure a point close enough to it in order to aid Holy Terra when it requires the Chapter's aid the most. Here they built their defenses between the Eye of Terror and Holy Terra, close to the key world of Armageddon and it's sector. The newly created Chapter went on and claimed the Emground Sector as their demesne, with the Death World Dermanus Primis as their Chapter's homeworld. Imperial records recovered from the Crimson Sentinels archives in the Citadel of Illumination date back to 021.M31, when the Chapter was founded from the Blood Angels Legion's 105 th 'Valor' Company on the orders of the sole survivor of the original Sanguinary Guard, Azkaellon. The coming of these Scions of Sanguinius harkens nothing less than apocalyptic judgement against the guilty, delivered in the form of righteous fervour that is difficult to reign in once unleashed. Like their Progenitors, the Crimson Sentinels are the living incarnation of the Red Angel's wrath upon those who reject the Emperor. The reason for this is unknown, however, many of their detractors whisper that perhaps the Chapter has bought this boon through malefic means. The Crimson Sentinels are known to suffer from this second flaw at a much reduced rate compared to the Blood Angels or their other Successor Chapters. Although, unlike most of their fellow Chapters of the Host, they are more affected by the vampiric craving for blood, known as the Red Thirst, than they are by the ravages of the Black Rage. Like all Successor Chapters created from gene-stock of the angelic Primarch Sanguinius, the Crimson Sentinels are also greatly affected by the affects of the twin genetic-curses of the Blood Angels' inherited Flaw. Compounded with the fact that they do not appear in the list of Second Founding Chapters found in the Apocrypha of Skaros, the oldest-known surviving copy of the Codex Astartes, the veracity of their claim throws into question whether or not this Chapter is as ancient as they claim to be. However, due to the paucity of records, the passage of time and human error, the confirmation of such claims cannot be accurately verified. The Crimson Sentinels are an ancient and laudable Successor Chapter who believe themselves to have been created during the 2 nd Founding, which shortly after the events of the Horus Heresy, from the lineage of the noble Blood Angels.